
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Welcome to Shöne Vida!

Well it's been way too long since my last post. I've definitely been missing keeping up with the blog, but life was getting a little too full to keep up with this part. Here's a rundown: Heather and I raised 101 Freedom Ranger chickens. Due to 5 losses and our own softness we only harvested 90. Justin and I moved into a 1 bed/1 bath home on 5 acres in Auburn, not far away from Green Acres.

Because every good farm has a name Justin and I thought long and hard about what we would name our new homestead. We decided upon a name that melds our ancestry together(German and Portugese): Shöne Vida which means "beautiful life". The name seems to fit the place well.

Since moving in we have moved and fitted a metal shed to become a weather-proof chicken house and goat shed. That's right, I said GOAT SHED. I am very pleased to announce that my little goat Charlotte will be coming to the farm on November 16! While her arrival will be well received here, I am a little sad for her because her sister Rose will not be coming along. However, thanks to a good friend at work a Cashmere Angora X boy will be a new addition to the farm to keep Charlotte Company. So it looks like I'm going to have to learn how to sheer, spin, and knit all in the name of my dear Charlotte.

It's going to be a busy winter here at Shone Vida and I'm loving it!


  1. I love the looks of the site. Very cool! Should I put in my order for a sweeter?
